WEBINAR REPLAY : Self-Care and Sustainable Activism

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Self-Care and Sustainable Activism.png

WEBINAR REPLAY : Self-Care and Sustainable Activism

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$27.00

"You are not alone."

This is what I keep telling myself.
Gazing into the mirror. Aloud to myself in the car. Whispering on my sweaty yoga mat.
Because I really need to hear it.

Have you been feeling like this, too? Making waves, staying afloat, yet somehow still adrift? Bobbing around in all of the feels, unsure and wondering, "WTF IS THIS FEELING?"

There just aren’t enough emojis to describe the mix of overwhelm from news media, gratitude for the little things, grief and rage with racial injustices, hope from a supportive squad and courageous clients... The list goes on. And on.

If I’m being 100% honest, I gotta admit that even my best days these days can be on the weird and floaty side.

If you relate, I want you to know I'm reaching through this screen to give you a giant hug right now.

We're gonna keep on swimming. We will make it through the storm.

You don't have to weather these waters alone.

My friend, I got you.

I have amassed a badass collection of tools and strategies for taking care of myself AND making power moves for the world I want to live in, and I want to share all the goodness with YOU in this online workshop.

The better we take care of each other and ourselves, the better chance we have at the future we want to create. Together.

💗 I N C L U S I V E
❤️ D I V E R S E
🧡 J U S T
💛 L O V I N G
💚 C O M P A S S I O N A T E
💙 S U S T A I N A B L E
💜 H E A L T H F U L
🤎 S O U L F U L
🖤 W H O L E

(And if you know someone who would benefit from this workshop, please share the love by sharing the link to this page with them.)

Here’s to your greatness.
To your love.
To your work on this planet.

I feel you.
I honor you.
I thank you.

Let’s grow stronger. Together. Even when we're apart.

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